The journey continues…

I started this journey because I was diagnosed with Graves Disease and didn’t want to accept the recommended treatments:

  1. Take Methimazole, hope for the best, and pray that it doesn’t damage my kidney and liver and cause a serious reduction of my white blood cells.
  2. Have my thyroid gland radiated, at which point it will stop working and I will have to take prescription drugs for the rest of my life.
  3. Have my thyroid gland surgically removed, at which point I will have to take prescription drugs for the rest of my life.
  4. Do nothing and face the high risk of having my organs shut down, if I don’t have a heart attack first.

I didn’t find any of those options appealing, so I decided to take responsibility for my own health.

I’m learning all sorts of useful things, like what supplements work for my body, what happens in my body when I eat something it doesn’t like and, most importantly, how to keep it working optimally.

I still have a long way to go but I can definitely see (and feel) the progress. If you’d like to join me on the journey, read on!